Gerd Maul

Recent Highwire Exhibits:
October, 2006: Elena Lee / Steven Iwanczuk / Gerd Maul

Gerd's Links

Interview on Cytomegalovirus

Modification of my CMV model

Economic impact of CMV

Maul’s Art (interview)

Maul’s Art slide show


In the two endeavors of my life - art and science - intuitively recognizing some idea or concept, begets the excitement that leads to and sustains the laborious execution of bringing an idea out of the shadow of my imagination into some form of matter. It ends with the excitement and relieve generated by the successful completion of such a piece. Occasionally I find myself astounded that I actually created this form and how it changes my perception of it’s contend or how the real content reveals itself over time. In science my original observations take on their own life and are often refined and improved by others, whereas in the visual arts there is the freedom from having to prove everything with the caveat that what is created is only a starting point in the minds of those who observe and care to look, redefining what it is by themselves.

Working with the same mental process in arts and science but quite different materials and tools my work will affect and effect different sensibilities. Any idea reduced to matter encases my hope for positive and productive engagement by others.

Gerd Maul - 8/8/2006


"Bird Watching a Man Buggering the Great Griffin", sculpture


"Neckless", 2006, Marble, 36"


from All Works Group Show, December, 2005

detail from All Works show


from Small Works, February, 2006



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