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December Exhibit

Digital Images by Joseph Wentland


Small Works: A Highwire Member Group Show
see pictures of the show here

December 3-31, 2004

opening reception: Friday, December 3, 6-11 pm (photos)

Joseph Wentland : Artists' Statement
This work is a journey for me. The images begin with photographs of flowers (with a few exceptions) sliced apart and arranged in the circle. I limit myself to what is present in that original photo. I then begin to investigate the lines and forms that have assembled before me. Like a scientist using dyes and filters to peer into cells, I use the computer to peer into the structure of nature. I feel as if I'm unlocking it's secret, and gaining access to it's essence.

I find the works to be very fractal in appearance. They even seem to have the "strange attractor" effect on viewers. There is an interesting balance of chaos and order... randomness and symmetry. I think what I am discovering is that nature is in its essence beautiful. Even upon cutting it apart and reassembling the pieces there is still more beauty to be revealed.

This discovery process is metaphoric of my own personal process, moving around the circle of life seeking my own center which is the source of creation and the origin of the circle.

" Jung has shown in numerous works the important role played by mandala symbolism as a means for expressing the underlying order of psychic unity and totality. This property of symmetrical, mandalic organization is found universally in all artifacts of human thought, from the most abstract metaphysical systems to the commonest objects of everyday use, and it, indeed, appears to be intrinsic to the organization of the psyche. May not this proclavity of the mind to elaborate symbolic totality mataphors be reflective of the holographic structure of the Psyche?"
The Invisible Landscape, Terrence McKenna and Dennis McKenna

For more images, visit Joseph's website, mandalaland.com

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